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Re: sorry to ruin several of your evenings...

From: Stephen Stuart <stuart () mfnx net>
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 00:15:23 -0800

So, I said this about controlling who can query "version.bind":

"allow-query" lets you control who can see that information:

zone "bind" chaos { 
        allow-query {
        } ;
        type master; 
        file "filename"; 

and Rob Thomas was kind enough to point out that this caused bind9 to
dump core. I did, in fact, take the example from a bind8 server. I
tried replicating it in bind9, and while it didn't dump core (perhaps
that was 9.0.x behavior?), on 9.1.0 the log messages suggested that I
acquaint myself with "views."

I did, and a named.conf for a recursive server that only allows
localhost to access the "bind" zone for class "CHAOS" while performing
general recursive service for class "IN" is:

view "external" {
        match-clients {
                any ;
        } ;
        zone "" {
                type master ;
                notify no ;
                file "primary/" ;
        } ;
        zone "." {
                type hint ;
                file "cache/cache.db" ;
        } ;
} ;

view "local" chaos {
        match-clients {
        } ;
        zone "bind" {
                type master ;
                file "primary/bind" ;
        } ;
        zone "." {
                type hint ;
                file "cache/cache.chaos" ;
        } ;
} ;

Zone file contents are left as an exercise to the reader; it seems to
do the trick in restricting access in the same manner as my bind8

Thank you to Rob for pointing out that my solution only worked for
bind8; hopefully this helps anyone trying to puzzle it out for bind9.


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