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RE: Carnivore Update - Washington Post 11/21/00

From: Roeland Meyer <rmeyer () mhsc com>
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 18:05:12 -0800

The only answer is the same one for CALEA, absolute mil-grade encryption on
every single packet! Given that, it won't matter if they capture packets,
they wont be readable. However, as MHSC has found out the hard way, folks
don't want to pay for it. Even when it is freeware, they wont go through the
extra trouble to install it. The proof is the market penetration of PGP.
Only the geeks tend to use it and SSH is only used by SA geeks. The general
market DOESN'T CARE!

At one time, MHSC offered VPN software and an SSL-based web mail product,
for a very nominal $10/month. We had lottsa queries, but few buyers. Folks
would rather use a free, unsecured, hotmail/juno/etc than a non-free
SSL-based one. BTW, you can't have banner ads on an SSL page.

I figure that this market has at least three years to go before it is real.

-----Original Message-----
From: Frater M.A.Ch.H. 999 [mailto:azoth () occult net]
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2000 6:03 PM
To: nanog () merit edu
Subject: Re: Carnivore Update - Washington Post 11/21/00


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.

I still have to say that the Carnivore program is potentially the most
disgusting domestic surveillance program ever proposed.

To Hell with the 4th Ammendment, eh, FBI?

I don't know what the FBI's oaths of service are, but my 
oaths upon entering
the US Armed Forces were to protect the Constitution of the 
United States
from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Furthermore, our motto in Special Forces is 'De Oppresso 
Liber' --- Liberate
from Oppression.

Perhaps they just want to ruffle some feathers and get some domestic
resistance popping up by all of this... or on the flip-side see if the
citizens actually would resist an attempt to eradicate the 
4th Ammendment.

I've noticed that national ammunition sales are soaring over 
the past few

Amen!  And so they should be.

Carnivore needs to find a resting point before someone takes too much
offense to it.

And personally, I always like to use the good ole 'Meta-x spook' lisp
built-in command in emacs as often as possible for just this sort of

NSA kibo Waco, Texas counter-intelligence smuggle DES Mossad terrorist
class struggle security CIA explosion Noriega Marxist Kennedy

DES genetic strategic NSA smuggle FBI World Trade Center FSF Panama
SDI Honduras Ft. Meade Treasury counter-intelligence class struggle

For everyone who didn't know that command existed in the distribution,
enjoy!  ;)

Love is the law, love under will.

Frater M.A.Ch.H. 999


MTH/HE/SX/TA/EN S++(*) W N+++(++) PEG++(XX) Dr+ A>++ a++ C G+ QH+++
666++ Y++(+++) Z+

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