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Re: Info on the DoS attacks.

From: danielle v <hvn () wildstar net>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 04:44:52 -0600

At 10:34 PM 2/9/00 -0500, Declan McCullagh wrote:

From my perspective, corporations are filtering information through 
clueless PR flacks to a (relatively clueless) media. I can't buy that sites 
hit by an attack 48 hours ago "have no idea what is going on." If that's 
the case, some people need to be fired real quick.


No, the PR flacks are there simply there because the Corps have no idea 
*how* to find qualified personel (they don't know what they're looking
for!) . And realistically, the most qualified don't wear it in any way 
that F100 moguls can grok. Once upon a time they hired for:

1)yrs (in what) college completed 
2) degree's acheived 
3) GPA. 

And we all reap the benefits of that research here ... but they don't 
even seem to want the comp sci grads - they want the Business Admin
degrees "and knowledge of computer/windows is a plus!"

And that is who they hire, not for ignorance - but for lack of 
knowledge and time to figure it out. (right about now I'm questioning
the ability of any the the IPO's to clearly comprehend that it (their 
urban/internet sprawl) will require a little more brainwork than they 
had scheduled this week)

The above requirements are antiquated before they've even got it on paper,
(apart from 3l33t research pools of jeans - of course) but,  that is 
"how it's always been done".

It seems a bit silly to go firing everyone in site, when *no one* in sight
has the suss/experience of what they were hired to do. No one's gonna 
get fired .. they're more likely to console each other to abate the fear 
of ignorance, support each other in a silently acknowledged ignorance, 

and ... dealing with the press is .. well, 'pressing'(sic) ATM ;)

I've a theory that this recent nasty bit might be the result of some 
lesser provider feeling shoved aside due to a lost contract, or a 
bandwidth degradation (price upheaval?) within the same arena as 
the sites that were targetted ... or it may just be some kid who 
left his computer and processes running cuz his parents locked him 
out of the room before he could shut them down .. who knows? ... 
Who's gotta work this one out? .. the Corps and their PR flacks. 

If it doesn't kill you - it'll at least make you weaker. (reformed motto)

- danielle

Film Short: 

The sweat beads downward off a young man's cheekbone as his 
eyes roll upward to view the dreadful torture of 
his venture capital venturing down a spiral ....

(*tap tap* .. "damn palm won't connect" ... (glancing at the "board" briefly)
"the hell! .. I can't connect"  to get my online report ... oh .. oh no .. 
neither can our customers ...)

Background color: The Police whimpers on a radio in the background,
o/~ I got too much information ... runnin through my brain, too much 
information ... drivin me insane ... o/~

At 21:24 2/9/2000 -0600, Rodney Caston wrote:
It's because people are being very closed mouthed with this, the corps
either have no idea what is going on or do not wish to share what they
know, and those involved with the attacks have done a good job of keeping
silent. Besides comparing Morris's worm to what is going on now is hardly
fair, the net was a very different place then, and his cpu cycle hog of a
program was alot easier to deal with and detect.

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