nanog mailing list archives

Re: Real..Live...SPAM

From: Rob Wilson <rwilson () isi net>
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 1997 14:40:12 -0800

Damon Chadwick wrote:

It would help if there was something IN the body of this message?

What's up there youngster?

How are things?

I miss your witty cynicism... if you could call it that

Keep in touch.


Yea... Kinda saw that when I arrived this morning.  Thats why you're the
smart guy, and I'm not.  ;)

Here's the stuff that shoulda been enclosed... its not pretty.
Obviously, a IP tech-turncoat!

        "The Headline That Gave Me A 67% Response Rate!!"
        Tue, 18 Nov 97 17:25:09 EST
        shodan () savoynet com
        Friend () public com


You were referred to us as someone interested in Internet Marketing. If
this message has reached you by mistake, please accept our apologies.
Please follow the remove instructions above!

$ MAKE $250 to $1000 A WEEK!! $

I Make $250 to $1000 A Week With One Of The 
 Hottest Most Exciting Marketing Groups on 
  The Internet And I See No End In Sight!!

      Plus, I Want To Show You How YOU 
           Can Get Started TODAY!!

(To learn more about "The Headline That Gave Me A 67% Response Rate!!" 
see the end of this note)

Dear Friend,

  My name is L. Ruby and I'm here to tell you that if you really want to
make money on the Internet THIS will be the most important letter you
EVER read!

      I MADE $160 MY FIRST DAY!!!

 Never in my life have I joined a program and made money THE VERY SAME
DAY - UNTIL I joined the Internet Marketing Warriors! (tm) The Warrior
Forum & Secret Site is the most incredible goldmine I have ever seen!

 What is the Warrior Secret Site & Forum?

 It is a Members Only Private Site that holds THE BEST money-making
information in the world! Information that will be hard if not
impossible for you to find out on your own.

 When Allen Says created the Warriors just a few months ago the success
was so rapid, the idea so hot, that copycats sprung up FAST. However,
NONE comes close to the Warrior Group. NONE!! We are the #1 source for
anyone who wants to make money now!

 I can't possibly list everything you will find in the Secret Site but
I'll list as much as I can in this letter.

# Over 500,000 Email addresses You Can Download 
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# 6 "Must Have" Books On Disk (the "forbidden" 
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# Lifetime Subscription to: 
        "Internet Marketing Warriors!"
 ...Every New Issue Posted To The Secret Site....

  And that's just a little. Check out what's...

         "Inside The Warrior Forum"

# How To Accept Credit Cards For Your Business..
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  THE Sources That Will Get You Going Today!!

# Meta Tags - How to get top listings in search 

# In depth talks on getting around AOL blocking!! 
  Warriors get through when no one else can!!

# In depth reviews of all major bulk mailing & 
  extracting software - Netcontact, Floodgate, 
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# Bulk Email Myth #1....

# Part 1: Copywriting Secrets!

# Part 2: Copywriting Secrets!

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# Some members are forming bulk e-mail co-ops 
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 There's more, but that's all I have room for!

 Now, you may be asking...

 How Can 'I' Make Money With The Warriors?

 Easy. Sign up right now! As soon as your in the Secret Site fill out
the very simple Dealer Info and email it to the address you will find 
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 You can even use THIS letter. Just replace my ref# with yours and email
this letter to everyone you can! It's that simple!

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 # All You Do Is Mail Out Letters!!

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Need to hear from other Warriors?


This is absolutely unbelievable. Within two days I have already made in
excess of $200.00 and it only took about 2 hours to do every thing. The
marketing reports that you supply are absolutely outstanding!!  I have
to hat goes off to you. I am glad that there is someone out
there who will give your moneys worth and a whole lot more!!

Thanks a Million,

J.R. (Florida)

Hi Allen,

Just a quick thank you note for creating the Warrior site. After a full
two years of banging my head against the monitor screen, trying to make
money on the internet, I finally have learned the secrets that I needed
to make it all happen. Sponsoring people into my MLM program has never
been easier and I don't worry anymore about losing my internet
connection for sending bulk e-mail.  The contacts I have made in the
forum have turned into pure gold and will continue to further educate me
in the proper methods of internet marketing.  Keep up the great work

Best Regards,
John Corbett
J&D Marketing

"I have been marketing online for a while now and I have more than
tripled my former income working at my job (I have been fulltime in
internet marketing for about 6 months now) and I only work around 15 to
20 hours a week. During my time in this business I have been in contact
with most of the major marketers online and I recommend Allen Says as
the most honest and helpful individual I have dealt with in this
business. His Marketing package is the best value on theinternet. Anyone
who is thinking about doing any type of business on the web needs to be
a member of the Internet Marketing Warriors."

Thank You, 
Terry Dean

Thanks for your kindness, and you can quote me on this: a veritable
treasure-trove of money making ideas, the package has saved me hundreds
of hours of research time. It is well worth joining! 

Haider Aziz 

Allen -

This is the best $25 I ever spent. Thanks for the honesty & quality web

- Steve Traino

Joining the Internet Marketing Warrior family has been very rewarding to
me. Prior to becoming a member, I wasted so much time on the net
unsuccessfully finding the kind of information & internet marketing
techniques that are available to me now as a Warrior member. In addition
to all the money making information on the private site, what amazes me
the most is the great contribution of information & help provided to
everyone by top gun professional fellow Warrior members on the forum. I
recommend this site to anyone serious about making money on the net.

Best of Success,

Alan Alvarez
South Pointe Financial Corp.

.."Started reading your report last night and..COULDN'T PUT IT DOWN! I
got so caught up in it I didn't eat supper. It's jam-packed with over a
dozen tried and true MONEY MAKING techniques! I also like the fact that
you really care about your clients and are willing to talk and answer 
questions..refreshing in the vast world of cyberspace! If you Email
Allen, he gets back with ya!" 

Sid Menough 


         Only $24.95 For A Limited Time!!

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     You'll Get Your Login Info The Same Day...
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The Headline That Gave Me A 67% Response Rate!! 

And the headline, well it is just one of the hundreds of marketing tips
I picked up in the Warrior Forum that has turned my business around. To
find out what it is you too must become a WARRIOR!!

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