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From: marilyn-request () mozart lib uchicago edu
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 18:30:55 -0600

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Welcome to the Marilyn Monroe Mailing List!

Please keep this information for later use.

The list owner is mozart () uchicago edu (Peggy Wilkins).

To post a message to the list, send your message to
marilyn () mozart lib uchicago edu   Please DON'T send
subscribe/unsubscribe requests to this address.

Also, please DON'T post pictures to the list.  Encoded pictures are
large and hard for subscribers with disk quotas to handle.  Consider
posting to a Usenet binaries group instead, and announcing it to the

To unsubscribe, send a message to
marilyn-request () mozart lib uchicago edu with Subject: unsubscribe

To subscribe, send a message to
marilyn-request () mozart lib uchicago edu with Subject: subscribe

This list is also available in Digest format.  Individual messages
accumulate in the Digest and are sent out to the digest list once
every 1 or more days, depending on message volume.  To subscribe to
the digest, send mail to marilyn-d-request () mozart lib uchicago edu
with Subject: subscribe.

This server maintains an archive of files (currently only this one!)
and messages posted to the list.  For information on using the archive
server, send mail to marilyn-request () mozart lib uchicago edu with
Subject: archive help

If you need to talk to me, the list maintainer, you can always reach
me at mozart () uchicago edu (Peggy Wilkins).  You can also send mail to
marilyn-request () mozart lib uchicago edu as long as your Subject:
header starts with Re: (if it says anything else, the server will try
to process it automatically).


I created this list as a forum for anyone with interest to discuss
Marilyn Monroe.  Marilyn collectors and fans are especially welcome,
and discussion about your collection or your interest in MM is
encouraged.  If you're new to the list, please post an introduction
about yourself.

The list is happy to receive any messages about Marilyn.  If you find
out about movie/documentary broadcasts, new magazines, or whatever,
please share it with the list!  Chances are we'll all want to see it,
too.  But again, please no pictures posted to the list, as I mentioned

Eventually, I'd like to get together a lot of MM information, and
perhaps have it available on the web.  A bibliography, filmography,
maybe some scanned pictures, and anything else of interest.  Let me
know if you want to help on this.

I have an MM page on the web, frequently revised, at:

Welcome to the list, and I hope it will be interesting!

Peggy Wilkins                                  mozart () uchicago edu
List Administrator         marilyn-request () mozart lib uchicago edu
MM fan since 1976
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