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Re: Quote from Kashpureff / Re: question about per. hack

From: "Mathias K." <ripper () dataway com>
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 1997 12:46:18 -0700

  I don't think that some kind of knee jerk reaction like blocking all
addresses that have ever been associated with alternic is in order.
Certainly Kashpureff has gone off the deep end, but am I the only one here
who thinks that he is essentially fighting the good fight?  I'm sick of
paying the internic every year just for the privilege of participating in
their name service.  The centralized nature of the system is a real drag,
and I'm hoping that some genius out there is working on the next generation
that will allow anyone to associate their ip address with anything they
want.  I believe that the capitalist aspect of what the internic is doing;
taking money for an essential service and trying to make a profit, is PURE
EVIL and goes against everything that I belive "the net" should be.  So
although I don't particularly like they way that Kashpureff is staging his
rebellion, I do believe in his cause.


mathias kolehmainen + ripper () dataway com
(ripper () secretagent bob)

       public key

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