nanog mailing list archives


From: Tim Bass <bass () dune silkroad com>
Date: Sun, 5 Nov 1995 01:10:06 -0500 (EST)

Okay, so I am a little nuts.   I've sent a domain template
to the NIC for IPSPA.ORG.... It just seemed like the right 
thing to do :-)

1)      Next week, I'll register IPSPA as a non-profit corp in some
        nice state;               

2)      Maybe we will get lucky and have some members;

3)      We will build low cost NAPs for IPSPA.ORG members;

4)      We will aggressively solicit corporate and government
        funding for projects;

5)      We will drink beer and eat pizza at our meetings;

6)      We will throw together an IPSPA.ORG home page;

7)      We can watch all the big IP players laugh as we grow and
        take a lot of abuse as a new organization;

8)      We might even draft an IPSPA post NSF AUP for fun and
        address topics like child pornography, spam, and other
        impossible topics;

9)      We will hire Washington lawyers to advocate our position
        on every front in the beltway and use PGP as a rule;

10)     Maybe we will form a non-profit common carrier while
        we are at it and substantially reduce all IPSPA.ORG
        members transit costs;

11)     We will have our meetings only in the best climates 
        depending on the season;

12)     We will think of ways as a 'new frontier' network based
        organization to generate income ( and beg money from
        members );

14)     We will create a board of directors that are not enjoy
        well defined conflicts of interests (maybe);

15)     We will apply to the FCC for our on set of frequencies
        to develop lost cost wireless access at T1 speeds
        and above.

Between laughing and while we are waiting on the new domain and
I get motivated and fix Majordomo..... 

IPSPA-request () ipspa silkroad com

soon to be:

IPSPA-request () IPSPA ORG

Why not?  Other ideas and organizations have happened.  Stranger
things have happened.....  and with enough support... who knows?


| Tim Bass                           | #include<campfire.h>                | 
| Principal Network Systems Engineer |       for(beer=100;beer>1;beer++){  |
| The Silk Road Group, Ltd.          |           take_one_down();          |
|                                    |           pass_it_around();         |
|           |       }                             |
|                                    |  back_to_work(); /*never reached */ | 

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