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Re: Will Packetfu Support 802.15.4 and other WSN protocols (6LowPan) in future?

From: Tod Beardsley <todb () metasploit com>
Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2011 09:27:14 -0600

On 11/28/2011 3:36 AM, Prabhakaran Kasinathan wrote:

> So how to define a protocol suite? inside packetfu. Previously Racket
> module is used for raw packet processing. Which is better way? Is there
> any tutorial for Packetfu?

I wouldn't say there's a tutorial, but there are tons of examples. Take a look at the Capture mixin and any module that includes that.

$ grep -rl "::Capture" modules/

Plenty of these modules define protocols directly. If you have some protocols in mind for PacketFu for general purpose use, you can write me off-list and I can see what I can do to help, or submit issues and pull requests to

> When i write an auxillary module , is it possible to make an attack such
> that , two modules or attacks can be combined to one attack with real
> time change in (run_timed,etc ) value for each modules to process?

Sorry, I'm not sure what you're asking. In terms of doing things in response to network conditions, it's totally possible to control behavior based on packets received -- maybe the Bailiwicked modules do something like what you want?

If you're looking for something like, "When Module X is successful, run Module Y, otherwise, run Module Z" then I imagine you could automate something like that via an rc script that does some <ruby> evaluation in between each module. I don't have an example handy, though.


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