Metasploit mailing list archives

Re: Using smb_relay without admin access

From: Brian <briaar () gmail com>
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2011 14:50:55 -0700


I think this would be possible:

psexec -l flag: Run process as limited user (strips the Administrators
group and allows only privileges assigned to the Users group). On
Windows Vista the process runs with Low Integrity

Better get good at priv escalation :)


On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 1:57 PM, funk flavor <funkflavor () gmail com> wrote:

Hi all,

I was guessing if the smb_relay module could be used even if the relayed authentication was not an admin one.
Well I know the smb_relay module tries to connect to ADMIN$. But if the goal of the test is only showing that NTLM 
authentication can be spoofed then the module could be tweaked to map to another share, right ? Then instead of 
uploading a payload it could just list the content of the share, still right ?

Thx !



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