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Re: What is the most cool IE exploit and java on the moment (metasploit)?

From: Lukas Kuzmiak <metasploit () backstep net>
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 17:59:47 +0100


I think this only depends on the browser and whether it has built-in support
for pdf (module from adobe etc.) or not.

In my Firefox, in about:plugins I see:
Adobe Acrobat File: nppdf32.dllVersion: Adobe PDF Plug-In For
Firefox and Netscape "9.4.1"and some extensions table underneath it, once
this is here it opens directly in the browser, however with the embedded
module from Acrobat.

Once Content-type header is defined as application/pdf it should open in the
browser directly, if you use force-download type, then the download dialog
should pop out.

Not sure for IE though, should be very similar in the module point of view.

I think it doesn't really matter as once the exploit works and user wants to
open it, you will just get there.


Only wimps use tape backup: _real_ men just upload their important stuff on
ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it ;). Torvalds, Linus

On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 5:33 PM, Jeffs <jeffs () speakeasy net> wrote:

 Is there a method within the .pdf generation which forces the browser to
open the file versus the adobe application?

On 11/22/2010 9:13 AM, Gerry Brunelle wrote:

I would honestly suggest doing something with a pdf exploit since most
large companies love pdf and their users normally seem to have an inherent
trust in pdf files. Maybe have the client open a pdf file in their browser
since that wont go through email scanners which are starting to get better
at picking up malicious pdf files.


On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 11:42 PM, Richard Miles <
richard.k.miles () googlemail com> wrote:


There is no restriction.

Do you suggest the most recent and most reliable one for Flash and Adobe?

Yes, but browser autopwn is out of date.


On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 4:01 PM, Chao Mu < () minorcrash com> wrote:
You may also want to consider Flash and Adobe vulnerabilities. Or are
you restricting yourself to IE and Java? If so, what versions? There
is always browser autopwn if you get lazy...

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 3:24 PM, Richard Miles
<richard.k.miles () googlemail com> wrote:

I'm going to execute a client side attack, my target is win-xp SP3 in
Spanish. I'm able to make my client access a site controlled by me.
What is the more recent and more cool (good reliable and recent
patched) exploit for IE and Java available on metasploit? Both
launched from browser..






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