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Re: Why metasploit's exploits fails inside Qemu?

From: Jun Koi <junkoi2004 () gmail com>
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 09:42:34 +0700

On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 9:25 AM, Philip Sanderson
<philip.k.sanderson () gmail com> wrote:
General ideas:
  - If it heap sprays, it may not have completed the heap spray before the
vuln is triggered, thus returning to memory too early.
  - depending on what is being exploited, it might be cleaning up threads /
resources before it's triggered.

Just related to time, and that it is significantly slower emulating vs
hardware acceleration.

sorry if i misunderstand your idea, but this doesnt make much sense to
me: it is true emulation is slow, but then the whole system is slow,
not just
the exploitation procedure.

actually Qemu is not as fragile as people might think. emulation in
Qemu is pretty good, so that pretty much all applications (and a lot
of OS-es) works perfectly. Metasploit seems to be one of few
exceptions :-)


 On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 11:51 AM, Jun Koi <junkoi2004 () gmail com> wrote:

On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 8:30 AM, Philip Sanderson
<philip.k.sanderson () gmail com> wrote:
Are you using pure qemu without any kernel/hardware acceleration?

yes, i dont use any accelerator like KVM or KQemu. just pure emulation

If you are using pure emulation, there could be timing issues with the
being triggered.

what do you mean by "timing issue"?

sorry but i cannot imagine that the Metasploit exploitation rely on
timing to work. this is so confused (???)


On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 10:34 AM, Jun Koi <junkoi2004 () gmail com> wrote:

On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 11:53 PM, Joshua J. Drake
<jdrake () metasploit com>
On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 11:58:07PM +0700, Jun Koi wrote:
i want to fix the bug of Qemu, to "support Metasploit" :-). any idea
where Qemu might be wrong?

first of all, i am starting with the windows/exec payload, which
contains the suspected shellcode. i suppose that its source is at
external/source/shellcode/windows/single_exec.asm. is that correct?

however, looking at this source, it doesnt seem to use any special
instruction at all. this confuses me even more ...

There are alot of steps in between the source code and the resulting
shellcode coming out of Metasploit. I recommend reading the developer
guide and source code for more information.

to confirm that the culprit is the shellcode with weird tricks, i
created a EXE payload using msfpayload. this payload uses windows/exec
payload, and simply executes calc.exe

i suppose that this EXE file uses the same code as the real shellcode
in metasploit exploitation. then i run this EXE file on 2 VM: one is
QEMU+KQemu, one is pure QEMU. and i can confirm that it works
perfectly well on both environments.

so my conclusion is that the shellcode doesnt seem to be the reason
why metasploit fails inside pure QEMU. is that reasonable?

now i have no idea what is wrong with QEMU anymore, given that my
assumption about the weird tricks done inside Metasploit shellcode
seems wrong.




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