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Re: Can no import Nmap scan results into database

From: John Nash <rootsecurityfreak () gmail com>
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2010 18:32:48 +0530

I just saw this video on how to integrate with the database and use nmap

here is the shortened url if the above one is broken in your client

The video has voice but is a bit accented ... the content is quite good

Just ensure that the file is actually created first? I think you may have
missed the right options ...

On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 5:40 PM, Spring Systems <korund () hotmail com> wrote:

 I have the following problem: I can no import Nmap scanning resilts into a
database. Nmap installed into default dir C:\Program Files\Nmap
First I run  Zenmap GUI, do scanning, then save result in default directory
(Nmap), result is .xml file. Then run msf console, created new database (I
had no before)
 *msf* > db_create
then tried import result in several ways:

db_import_nmap_xml result.xml

but got
[*] Could not read the NMAP file

tried with path to file(full or short)

msf > db_import_nmap_xml nmap/result.xml
[*] Could not read the NMAP file

This not work, so tried run Nmap from console:

*msf* > nmap -sS -sU -T4 -A -v -PE -PS22,25,80 -PA21,23,80,3389  filename

After scan finished, tried to import results:

msf > db_import_nmap_xml filename.xml

but it not works:
[*] Could not read the NMAP file

What is wrong? I followed tutorials in




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