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Re: msfconsole output when uploading stagers

From: egypt () metasploit com
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2010 15:55:18 -0600

Implemented in latest trunk (revision 8948).


On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 2:58 PM, Marco Polo <titjow () hotmail com> wrote:
Hi dear developers,

First of all sorry for my typos.. I'm french :/

I was just wondering if it would be possible to add the IP and the port of
the person who's connecting back to us when using a reverse payload.
I don't know for you but I just hate when you have your payload executed
because your SE worked but you only see "Sending stage (748032 bytes)"...
and nothing else...
So in the case of you just messed with something or in the case of bob
unplugin the rj45 I think it would be cool to see "Sending stage (748032
bytes) to A.B.C.D:69"
That allow us to know the ip of bob if he's got a dynamic one and which port
could be open...
Do you think it'll be possible to implement that???

Thanks in advance,


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