Metasploit mailing list archives

Re: on the basic use of framework metaexploit

From: Jason Ross <algorythm () gmail com>
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2010 14:47:54 -0500

On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 2:25 PM, luis alfonso jimenez mejia
<viejolajimenez () gmail com> wrote:
I'm pretty new to this management of metaexploit framework, therefore I
would like some guidance on how an exploit appropriate, to conduct a
pentesting mac osx on a machine that I installed in vmware

i'm not a dev (nor do i play one on the intertubes ;-), so hopefully I'm
not overstepping my bounds by providing some basic linkage.

There's a number of decent tutorials out there, though they may not
be specific to Mac (it's unclear to me if you're using Mac as the
attacking platform, or the victim host).

A place to start is:
Another is:
(though as that page indicates, the 3.3 doc is under construction)

As for finding Mac specific exploits and payloads, a simple 'search osx'
at the msfconsole returns quite a few to choose from. Using the
 documentation at the links above combined with the tools that are
 provided should get you well under way.

(I recommend doing as the best way to learn).


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