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Re: PSEXEC - Pass the Hash - Domain Credentials

From: HD Moore <hdm () metasploit com>
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2010 00:11:35 -0600

On 1/30/2010 5:28 PM, troy () defendit com au wrote:
Meterpreter can not dump cached credentials, so I use smb_relay and get
the impersonated account to map to my smb_relay and capture the challenge
response. Which looks like:

As jcran said, those tokens are not the raw LM/NTLM hash, they are the
hash encrypted against the challenge ID. Normally, you would just set
SMBPASS LMHASH:NTLMHASH, but in this case you still don't have the raw
hashes to work with. One way to solve this is by using your SMB relayed
session to run hashdump, then use those hashes with PTH.


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