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Re: Shellcodes first stage ignores EXITFUNC

From: Amin <amin () zitune ch>
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2009 16:42:04 +0100

Thank you - i just tried it out. It works very well and is even more reliable!


Quoting HD Moore <hdm () metasploit com>:

On 12/31/2009 6:57 AM, Amin wrote:
Hi Everybody,

First of all: thank ALL of you for metasploit and for keeping it
improving! Its a joy to work with :-) !

Now my problem: the first stage of multistage windows shellcodes does
not consider the EXITFUNC option. This has an impact in connect-back
shellcodes, where the ReverseConnectRetries option is set to a number
less then 255 (finite number of retries). After failing to connect to
the attacker, the stage exits.

Yes - this was an improvement from the previous implementation of this
stager, where a failed connection would simply crash the process.

By looking at the this first stage of the shellcode we always find an
ExitProcess call instead of the one specified with EXITFUNC.

The reason for this is size -- patching in ExitThread() is no longer
just a DWORD change for newer versions of Windows, instead a
semi-complex thunking process has to be performed, which adds a large
number of bytes to the stager. Since the first-stage has to be tiny in
order to work with exploits that have limited space, adding ExitProcess
was a compromise between just crashing the process and cleanly exiting.

If you are trying to launch a Metasploit payload inside of a dedicated
thread, one workaround is to create a suspended process, write the
shellcode into the remote process's memory,and then resume it. This is
how the service.exe template works (for psexec) and you can then
WaitForSingleObject() on the process handle from CreateProcess(). This
approach will also handle instances where the payload simply crashes (a
bug in meterpreter, a user trying to load a 64-bit extension into a
32-bit process, etc).


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