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Handler binding to LHOST

From: ricardo.teixas at (Ricardo F. Teixeira)
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2009 13:22:31 +0100

Quoting egypt

With all of its listeners, metasploit first tries to bind, the 'any'
address which will work on all interfaces.  If that fails, it will try the
specific LHOST that you gave it.  The reason for trying all interfaces first
is the scenario when LHOST is a different IP from the attack platform.

This will happen in the case of a NATing gateway that forwards a particular
port to your box, or when setting up exploit/multi/handler to catch shells
on a different machine from the one sending exploits.

The local IP you're seeing there is determined after the bind happens.

 Since the listener bound to all interfaces, the local IP will appear to be
whichever one has a default gateway.

Hope this helped,


If you still have doubts, just ask (again) :)

Ricardo F. Teixeira

uid:  0x5BBD1456

On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 12:42 PM, ricky-lee birtles
<mr.r.birtles at>wrote:

I have started playing with the autopwn feature in msf and noticed
every time I use the -r switch with db_autopwn regardless to what
LHOST is set to msf bind to (I have a global LHOST variable
setg). I have tryed setting LHOST just before I run db_autopwn and
still find it binds to

Is anyone else having this happen? Any one found a way to make
msf/autopwn work correctly?

-- Mr R Birtles
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