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newbie can't install on windows

From: mtgarden at (Matt Gardenghi)
Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 13:22:20 -0400

Definitely an AV problem.  I'd recommend switching to Linux and playing 
there.  Possibly downloading the BackTrack 4 CD and booting off of 
that.  As long as AV is installed it will continue to attempt to neuter 
metasploit.  Once metasploit is installed, if Symantec scans, it will 
remove portions of metasploit and even if not, it will block attempts at 

danny shevitz wrote:

I am an absolute newbie and can't seem to download framework-3.2.exe.
I think I am running afoul of my virus checker (Symantec). I have
tried turning off the Symantec service and autoprotect.

When I try the download, I get the error.

C:\Documents and Settings\114794\Desktop\framework-3.2.exe could not be saved, because an unknown error occurred.

Try saving to a different location.

I have tried saving to a different location and it makes no difference.
Does anyone have any suggestions?



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