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From: abhisek.datta at (Abhisek Datta)
Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 11:12:30 +0530

My replies inline.

On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 9:00 AM, Patrick Webster <patrick at> wrote:
Hi Abhisek,

Thanks for the module... however I just noticed there is already a ms09_001
module under \auxiliary\dos\windows\smb.

Does this module do anything different?

A quick look shows modules/auxiliary/dos/windows/smb/ms09_001_write.rb
exploits the invalid data offset bug fixed in MS09-001. The exploit I
pointed before triggers another bug among the 3 bugs fixed in

Just FYI, I see you've written an 'exploit' module in this instance and
forced a target & payload to make it work.

Keep in mind Auxiliary modules are essentially exploit modules, without a
payload requirement.

Well, initially I was hoping to write an "exploit" and not a "PoC" so
started by copy pasting some other SMB related exploit, but oh well
there wasn't much luck :)



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