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misleading error message on ruby version

From: rhyskidd at (Rhys Kidd)
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2009 23:58:38 +0900

If you take a look inside Metasploit at the file which generates this
warning you will see that rather than merely do a look-up and comparison of
the reported Ruby version number, it actually uses a small snippet of code
that checks for the bug itself.

The false positive rate on this warning is very low. My understanding is
that some of the distro's backported the buggy Ruby code into their shipping
Ruby packages. While annoying, I'm sure some of the more proficient Fedora
users can guide you on how to get a working Ruby interpreter.


2009/3/5 Jun Koi <junkoi2004 at>


msfcli reports the below message, which is misleading. i think the
recommendation "switch to 1.8.6" is only relevant to Ubuntu or some
others, but at least not for Fedora.

I am on Fedora Core 9, and using ruby 1.8.6, exactly what msfcli

%ruby -v
ruby 1.8.6 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 287) [i386-linux]

so the message should be fixed one or another way.


***                                                                   *
*** This version of the Ruby interpreter has significant problems, we *
*** strongly recommend that you switch to version 1.8.6 until these   *
*** issues have been corrected. Alternatively, you can download,      *
*** build, and install the latest Ruby snapshot from:                 *
***  -                                      *
*** For more information, please see the following URL:               *
***  -                         *
***                                                                   *

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