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Exploit docs

From: jerome.athias at (Jerome Athias)
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2008 23:14:31 +0100


M. GAD a ?crit :
Jerome, you have already done a greate work but why you stopped at MSF v2 :(
Quite simple: lack of time.
I have looked at ur code at a glance, u have advanced well. However, I
think it may be simpler to program new functionalities (i.e., databse
backend, automatic Exploiter) in Ruby.
This has several advantages because it will allow the reuse of MSF
libraries and classes and will encourage other metasploiters to be
My problems is (was): lack of time, verfy few time to spend to acquire
good Ruby skills.
I thought also to put exploits modules in XML files, what do you think
about it? (even if it would be time consumming at start)


Why do it manually? there exist some tools to export Databases into
XML and vice versa. For example:
 "mysqldump --xml --databases your database name -u username -p
password >test.xml"

 IMHO, what we need is an extension of MSF that is compatible with the
current implementation and that maximize the reuse of MSF code. This
may be achieved through the following steps:
(1) determine the useful information that one can need to characterize
the module (exploit, payload, etc),
(2) Code these information directly into the module when creating it
(as already done with the platform and privilege attributes),
(3) Design database schema and tables,
(4) write a program to extract information coded within the module and
export it to the database,
(5) Design the exploiter as a plugin of MSF (this is another story but
I have some clues for doing that)

Now, as the thread is becoming more close to framework-hackers, HDM or
list moderators can switch it there.


I agree, but MSF developpers should agree and give their opinion on this.
M. GAD a ?crit :
In fact consulting references one by one to find out more information
about the exploit is sufficiently tedious. MSF-XB quite facilitate it
but we still need to visit several sites.
There is a closely related issue: selecting appropriate exploits. As
the number of exploits and auxiliary tools increases it will be more
difficult to select an appropriate exploit. Although the current GUI
or the web interface are supporting module selection either by
platform or arch, we need sometimes to make selection based on other
criteria a combination of them. For example, selecting an exploit
based on the privilege that it provides, according to its launching
source, according to the directly involved program (the vulnerable
program) , etc.

The current implementation of modules has useful information about
modules that represent a good basis for this.
However, we need to:
(1) add more information such as the corresponding CPE entry (Common
Platform Enumeration of MITRE) or the attributes of reasonable attack
classification (I suggest the one attached with this email)
(2) think about importing such information into a backend DB. This
will facilitate the selection process as well as allows establishing a
link with CVE, OSVDB or CPE detailed data easily.

Best regards,
I totally agree.
We need also to add the opcode in the exploit module, because a lot of
sploits modules only have the return adresses, and we have to search
what the opcode is... time consumming....
I add a "reverse research" functionnality in MSF-XB, so if the return
address is found in the MSF-XB's local db, it give you the opcode, and
so, you can then use MSF-XB to search the same opcode/ret address for
the target OS/locale/SP.

Thanks for your feedbacks
Regards & take care


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