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tunneling through...

From: jerome.athias at (Jerome Athias)
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 17:12:53 +0100

I also dream of a DNS or ICMP tunneling module.
I asked to Santa Patrick W. for it ;p

hacky christmas & JApy n u yiiir!

jeffs a ?crit :
Has anyone had success in tunneling metasploit reverse connections or
anything for that matter through ICMP or HTTP?  There is a program
called pingtunnel and ptunnel which will tunnel connections through
ICMP and I'm wondering how this might play out in a scenario where a
user outputs via msfpayload an executable that connects to localhost
proxy that then forwards the connection via ICMP or HTTP tunneling to
the waiting metasploit server.

Seems like it would be a nice way to bypass egress firewall rules...

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