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A new "action" to the msfweb

From: hdm at (H D Moore)
Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2008 17:54:26 -0600

The msfweb interface is not what you looking for, instead, you would want 
to implement a metasploit auxiliary module which wraps the the HttpService 
mixin. You can find of example of just javascript-postbacks in this file:



On Monday 08 December 2008, Victor Pereira wrote:
I wrote a proxy in ruby (using the net/htp) to inject javascript into
the body onload event. I would like to know one thing:

Is it possible to add an action, like for example a script to receive
cookies, to msfweb ? I mean, at this first step i would like to send
all captured document.cookie to a action/handler/cgi/whatever in the
msfweb. Is it possible or better: is it a good approach ?

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