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MS08-067 - lang:Unkown

From: happygnr at (Michael Voit)
Date: Thu, 06 Nov 2008 13:07:29 +0100

Hi there,

is it normal that everytime the language could not be determined, the exploit does not work?
Here's what I get when trying to attack a Windowx XP SP1 using automatic tergeting:
06:36:44 - ms08_067_netapi [*] Launching exploit windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi...
06:36:46 - ms08_067_netapi [*] Started reverse handler
06:36:46 - ms08_067_netapi [*] Automatically detecting the target...
06:36:48 - ms08_067_netapi [*] Fingerprint: Windows XP Service Pack 0 / 1 - lang:Unknown
06:36:48 - ms08_067_netapi [*] Could not determine the exact language pack

Then I tried by specifying the target as Windows XP SP0/SP1 universal:
06:37:10 - ms08_067_netapi [*] Launching exploit windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi...
06:37:12 - ms08_067_netapi [*] Started reverse handler
06:37:12 - ms08_067_netapi [*] Triggering the vulnerability...

But then nothing happens, no reverse shell is spawn.

I noticed this not only with this version of windows but everytime the language could not be determined that exploit 

Any solutions to this?
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