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Question on SEH, PROCESS, THREAD and integrating custom C Code

From: jeffs at (jeffs)
Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2008 21:45:11 -0400

Thank you, Egypt.  Your information is most useful. 

Where could I find information on the various variables for the 
msfencode feature.  doing: ./msfencode -h provides no information.  I am 
having a bit of difficulty using the msfencode feature and thought 
knowing the variables and settings would, help but I cannot find them.  
Before I ask here on the list I thought it would be a good idea to at 
least play with it and see how far along I get in what I'm doing.  Also 
some good examples might shed some light.

thanks and much appreciated.

egypt at wrote:

Sorry for the late reply, but here goes:

1) SEH, Process and Thread are exit methods.  When the payload has
completed (for instance when you type exit in a meterpreter shell), it
must exit somehow.  SEH means the payload will trigger an exception
and let the exception handler deal with it, Process means the payload
calls ExitProcess(), and Thread means it calls ExitThread().

2) The best way to integrate custom C code would be to create a
payload for it similar to how meterpreter is set up.

3) Adding a loop and sleep feature to existing payloads would increase
their size considerably.  We probably won't do this for the main
payloads.  It might be something to consider for creating additional

Hope I answered your questions,

On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 6:57 PM, jeffs <jeffs at> wrote:
First thanks for the great program.  I've been fiddling with it for
months and finally after reading Mark Baggett's document on using
Metasploit and AV products, it has all come together.

Here is a link to his fine document for those who are interested:

Yet, I have some lingering questions that maybe an enlighted soul might
be able to answer for me.

1) I've confused over the seh, process and thread options and what one
can do with them.

2) I have some "c" code that I would like to integrate into the
directories so I can use it as a payload.  The nice thing about this
exploit is that you can set time intervals for it to "phone home" and
connects using encrypted channels.  I'd like to be able to upload it via
meterpreter.  How does one go about taking "c" code and turning it into
an exploit or module that can be used via the meterpreter?

3) I noticed that if I use some of the msfpayloads such as
meterpreter/bind_tcp, the victim's machine will display an error message
if upon execution of the binary on the victim's machine there is no
attacking machine waiting to receive it's query.  Is there some way to
modify the behavior of the payloads so it repeatedly queries an ip to
connect with or somehow make the process repeating without dieing after
one attempt?

4) I'll think of another question soon enough but thanks for any help.




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