Metasploit mailing list archives

Issues Adding Exploit Modules

From: tyler2435 at (Tyler)
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 18:12:49 -0400

What exactly I'm attempting to do is test the DNS issue against my
colo server running BIND, this appears to be the class name in the

class Auxiliary::Spoof::Dns::BailiWickedHost < Msf::Auxiliary

It's currently in:

ivy:~/framework-3.1/modules/auxiliary/spoof/dns# ls

I'm sorry, but I must be doing something wrong thats horribly obvious
:P This shows all the auxiliries:


  Name                                 Description
  ----                                 -----------
  admin/backupexec/dump                Veritas Backup Exec Windows
Remote File Access
  admin/backupexec/registry            Veritas Backup Exec Server
Registry Access
  admin/cisco/ios_http_auth_bypass     Cisco IOS HTTP Unauthorized
Administrative Access
  admin/maxdb/maxdb_cons_exec          SAP MaxDB cons.exe Remote
Command Injection
  admin/serverprotect/file             TrendMicro ServerProtect File Access
  admin/webmin/file_disclosure         Webmin file disclosure
  dos/cisco/ios_http_percentpercent    Cisco IOS HTTP GET /%% request
Denial of Service
  dos/freebsd/nfsd/nfsd_mount          FreeBSD Remote NFS RPC Request
Denial of Service
  dos/samba/lsa_addprivs_heap          Samba lsa_io_privilege_set Heap Overflow
  dos/samba/lsa_transnames_heap        Samba lsa_io_trans_names Heap Overflow
  dos/solaris/lpd/cascade_delete       Solaris LPD Arbitrary File Delete
  dos/windows/appian/appian_bpm        Appian Enterprise Business
Suite 5.6 SP1 DoS
  dos/windows/nat/nat_helper           Microsoft Windows NAT Helper
Denial of Service
  dos/windows/smb/ms05_047_pnp         Microsoft Plug and Play
Service Registry Overflow
  dos/windows/smb/ms06_035_mailslot    Microsoft SRV.SYS Mailslot
Write Corruption
  dos/windows/smb/ms06_063_trans       Microsoft SRV.SYS Pipe
Transaction No Null
  dos/windows/smb/rras_vls_null_deref  Microsoft RRAS
InterfaceAdjustVLSPointers NULL Dereference
  dos/windows/smtp/ms06_019_exchange   MS06-019 Exchange MODPROP Heap Overflow
  dos/wireless/daringphucball          Apple Airport 802.11 Probe
Response Kernel Memory Corruption
  dos/wireless/fakeap                  Wireless Fake Access Point Beacon Flood
  dos/wireless/fuzz_beacon             Wireless Beacon Frame Fuzzer
  dos/wireless/fuzz_proberesp          Wireless Probe Response Frame Fuzzer
  dos/wireless/netgear_ma521_rates     NetGear MA521 Wireless Driver
Long Rates Overflow
  dos/wireless/netgear_wg311pci        NetGear WG311v1 Wireless
Driver Long SSID Overflow
  dos/wireless/probe_resp_null_ssid    Multiple Wireless Vendor NULL
SSID Probe Response
  dos/wireless/wifun                   Wireless Test Module
  scanner/dcerpc/endpoint_mapper       Endpoint Mapper Service Discovery
  scanner/dcerpc/hidden                Hidden DCERPC Service Discovery
  scanner/dcerpc/management            Remote Management Interface Discovery
  scanner/discovery/sweep_udp          UDP Service Sweeper
  scanner/http/version                 HTTP Version Detection
  scanner/http/writable                HTTP Writable Path PUT/DELETE
File Access
  scanner/misc/ib_service_mgr_info     Borland InterBase Services
Manager Information
  scanner/mssql/mssql_login            MSSQL Login Utility
  scanner/mssql/mssql_ping             MSSQL Ping Utility
  scanner/smb/pipe_auditor             SMB Session Pipe Auditor
  scanner/smb/pipe_dcerpc_auditor      SMB Session Pipe DCERPC Auditor
  scanner/smb/version                  SMB Version Detection
  server/smb_sniffer                   SMB Server Challenge/Response Sniffer
  server/socks_unc                     SOCKS Proxy UNC Path Redirection
  test/capture                         Simple Network Capture Tester
  test/recon_passive                   Simple Recon Module Tester
  test/scanner_batch                   Simple Recon Module Tester
  test/scanner_host                    Simple Recon Module Tester
  test/scanner_range                   Simple Recon Module Tester
  voip/sip_invite_spoof                SIP Invite Spoof

msf >

Thank's a lot for your time!


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