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Problem starting metasploit after upgrading

From: at ( at
Date: Thu, 04 Sep 2008 15:51:32 +0200

Hi there,

I have a problem.
On my laptop I initiated an metasploit update to revision 5651 with the command "svn update".

Since this update metasploit performs a DNS lookup at startup (before the update it didn't!), but for a weird string 
which is "^S^HM-^HM-|"

A tcpdump show this:

11:27:49.253647 IP x.x.x.x.32771 > y.y.y.y.53: 0+ A? ^S^HM-^HM-| (47)

The error message is this:

box framework3 # ./msfconsole
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/resolv.rb:228:in `getaddress': no address for? (Resolv::ResolvError)
        from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/resolv.rb:199:in `getaddress'
        from ./lib/rex/socket.rb:142:in `getaddress'
        from ./lib/rex/socket.rb:191:in `resolv_nbo'
        from ./lib/msf/core/payload.rb:297:in `substitute_vars'
        from ./lib/msf/core/payload.rb:276:in `each_pair'
        from ./lib/msf/core/payload.rb:276:in `substitute_vars'
        from ./lib/msf/core/payload.rb:494:in `internal_generate'
        from ./lib/msf/core/payload.rb:259:in `generate'
         ... 15 levels...
        from ./lib/msf/base/simple/framework.rb:71:in `create'
        from ./lib/msf/ui/console/driver.rb:67:in `initialize'
        from ./msfconsole:78:in `new'
        from ./msfconsole:78

So does anyone have the same weird problem? 
Can somebody please tell me what's going wrong here and why metasploit now performs an DNS lookup at startup?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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