Metasploit mailing list archives

Anti-Virus Issues

From: lists at (cg)
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 08:53:20 -0400

if sticking the .exe in system32\yourmom doesn't work AND since you said
the user add payload is working...

If you have an account on the box, why dont you just remote desktop in
and turn the AV off? or using psexec or winexe connect to the box with
your credentials, find a location that the AV WILL allow you to run an
exe from and just put it and execute it from there (like a meterpreter

Maybe another option is the download and execute payload, depending on
where it downloads it to (obviously)



On Thu, 2008-06-26 at 14:06 -0700, Stewart Fey wrote:
Does anyone have a suggestion for evadating anti-virus on target
machines.  Specifically McAfee's ability to deny executables from
running in SYSTEM ROOT or SYSTEM32 or temp directories.  I am testing
out SMB_Relay and all attempts to get a shell fail.  When the exploit
runs, the victim system thows an application error for all payloads I
have tested.  The exception was the add_user payload, which
sucessfully added a user to the victims box.
2nd part of this, if I'm using SMB_Relay, I shouldn't need to upload
any payload to get a shell since all I'm doing to connecting back to
the victim or relaying credentials to a 3rd system.
Any advise would be welcome...


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