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fuzzing over ssl

From: mail2arthur at (arthur)
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2008 17:00:13 -0400

Thanks for the quick reply!! Looks I will learn a little of Ruby to get more
out of this wonderful framework :)


Any auxiliary module that uses the Exploit::Remote::Tcp mixin could do
this, just set the SSL variable to 1 and it will negotiate SSL. Attached
is a quick template for doing this, place it into modules/auxiliary/ and
use it with the following syntax:

msf> use auxiliary/sslboom
msf auxiliary/sslboom > set RHOST target_host
msf auxiliary/sslboom > run


On Tuesday 24 June 2008, arthur wrote:
Now I can crash our tcp server by sending a 10k file (nc -c 'cat
xxx'...). However, since there is an ssl front end to accept the real
client connections so I need to test out from the front end. I think
openssl s_client should work but I also think msf may do the job better
(e.g. sending msg with some formating). Is there an auxiliary
can 1) connect using ssl, 2)then send a big message to server. Thanks.



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