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Creating Shellcode

From: hdm at (H D Moore)
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 13:26:46 -0600

The objdump output does not equal shellcode, especially if you make *any* 
library calls. On Linux and BSD, you can avoid library calls by going 
directly to inlined syscalls in your C code, however, on Windows, you 
really need to access functions inside kernel32 to make any progress. 
Unless you write your C code very carefully (and essentially mimic what 
most Windows shellcode does with regards to finding the base of 
kernel32), it just won't work.

There are a few options available for doing this properly:

InlineEgg -
METASM - (C compiler is new, not sure if does 
Windows yet)


On Thursday 07 February 2008, macubergeek at wrote:
I just ran objdump -Dslx against nc.exe on a Linux box. It seems to
work ok. Can you see any reason why objdump wouldn't work properly
against windows executables as well as Linux binaries?

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