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Metasploit on Windows

From: rekcahpmip at (Jon D)
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2008 10:08:15 -0500

Awesome. Thanks!

On Jan 2, 2008 9:49 AM, Rhys Kidd <rhyskidd at> wrote:
On 02/01/2008, Jon D <rekcahpmip at> wrote:

This may not be the place to do requests, but seeing the new version
come out has made me remember something I've always wanted and never
bothered to mention.


For example, if you gain access to a computer and have a shell on it,
you then want to pivot from that position. The trick is how. With the
current metasploit, you have to install it, and either run a gui or
run it in it's own custom shell. But if you only have command line
access to the compromised box, you cannot install metasploit onto it,
and even if you could, you couldn't run it from the command line.

Anyway, just a thought. I think it would be useful.

Jon D,

Take a look at the Meterpreter payload in Metasploit.
It's a DLL to remotely inject into the vulnerable process as a payload,
allowing port forwarding and all manner of reconnaissance and pivoting (a la
Meterpreter is currently Windows only, although that appears to be your
target OS.


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