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Executable Download and Execute - payload

From: opexoc at (Jan Grzdyl)
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2007 12:24:57 +0100

On Dec 16, 2007 5:00 AM, J.M. Seitz <jms at> wrote:

Hmmm. Here are a few things to try:

1) Instead of using 0x90's for your sled use 0xCC and trace the
execution of the shellcode.
2) When the first access violation occurs make sure you are doing a
SHIFT+F7/F8/F9 which will pass the exception to the debugged process.

Firstly I do not use sled because I am trying to debug this shellcode by
application like this:

unsigned char scode[] =
"<Your shellcode>";

int main(){

    ((void (*)()) scode)();
    return 0;

And when I am using ollydbg and let it runs this program everything is fine,
but when I am executing this program step over by step over then in some
moment olly says that exception occured and I may redirect exception to
program - I do that. Subsequently ollydbg says that program can't handle
this exception and program is terminated. I really do not understand this
issue because program when executed normally everything is ok.

I try to exploit some app and in my exploit I overwrite SEH - this shellcode
does not work for this exploit.

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