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msfpayload to Windows Executable. What am I doing wrong?

From: lo127001 at (Mark Baggett)
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2007 15:49:07 -0400

That is such a rookie error.  I wish I could blame it on alcohol or


On 7/25/07, H D Moore <hdm at> wrote:

Make sure you are uploading the file via TFTP as octet and not ascii. This
can cause the executable to become corrupt.

$ tftp
tftp> binary
tftp> put blah.exe

On Wednesday 25 July 2007 14:25, Mark Baggett wrote:
What am I doing wrong? I tried binding a shell on a listening port,
reverse shell, vnc reverse and bind. I cant get it to do anything. If
tried it on XP and 2000. If tried defining LPORT and EXITFUNC on my
msfpayload call.

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