Metasploit mailing list archives

Still yet to own a machine :( (My systems ain't THAT secure are they?)

From: angelisonline at (Mr Gabriel)
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2007 12:56:25 +0100

Okay, I'm still very confused out here.

I've tried a lot to at least own a machine on my network. I'm  
responsible for 200 computers across three floors, each machine can  
be seen on the network, and can be contacted etc etc. All on the same  
subnet ... (not best practice, I know, but hey if it ain't broke...).  
Now, at least once a week we get viral epedemics, where someones  
daily scan reveals a virus, give it a few hours, and you can almost  
guarentee, that that puppy has found its way onto another computer,  
and not via file sharing, or email. Which leads me to believe it  
exploited my up to date "fully patched" XP systems.

Which I feel as if I have failed to do myself.

On a diffrent note, after studying HDM talk, I realised the impact of  
social engineering with regards to a lot of exploits. It seems that a  
lot of exploits require user intervention, as in you sort of have to  
"trick" someone into either clicking a link, or loading a bad page or  

If that is the case, I'll have to revise my talks about keeping safe  
on your computer - which now that I think about it, needs a complete  

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