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Metasploit vs Core Impact "Set as Source" Option

From: lists at (cg)
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 17:47:29 -0600

I dont have Core Impact so i'm not real familiar with the command you
listed but i did a couple of blog posts on using the route command in
msfconsole to route through a meterpreter session.

the short of it is:

ex.  msf exploit(ms06_040_netapi) > route add 1

i'll throw the caveat that i did it all in VMware so there may be some
VMware trickery going on, but i think it works as described.  the good
(??) thing about security is that if i am wrong, i'm sure i'll have
about 10 emails letting me know within the hour :-)

here are the posts:

hope that helps.


On Fri, 2007-09-14 at 13:32 -0500, Danux wrote:
Ok, thanks in Advance for my last question,

I have another question, i know that through meterpreter we can use
its modules in order to redirect a port from the victim machine to
another one in the LAN, but is there something like the "Set as
Source" options used in Core Impact? so that we can compromise another
network segment?

if so? do you have an example?

On 9/14/07, H D Moore <hdm at> wrote:
These are two different things. To use the MSN exploit, you need to force
MSN to load this exploit DLL into memory. This is normally done by a
sequence of open process, alloc mem, start thread, loadlibrary calls to
the target process. The metasploit DLL injection payloads work by
exploiting a target process and then loading a DLL into memory. In this
case, you want to load a DLL on the attacking side, to exploit a
different host.

On Friday 14 September 2007 12:23, Danux wrote:
They say i need to: "inject the dll to msn messenger .... process.

I know metasploit already works that way but i would like to learn how
to do it manually.

I have no skill about DLL programming nor injection, do you have a
tutorial or something like that to understand it?

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