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REX usage

From: jerome.athias at (Jerome Athias)
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 11:50:06 +0200

This is an example:

ruby "C:\Program 
Files\Metasploit\Framework3\framework\tools\pattern_create.rb" 1000

pleaseedit this file: pattern_create.rb

You will see:

$:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib'))
require 'rex'

and then:

puts Rex::Text.pattern_create(length.to_i, sets)

Hope this helps

Jipe a ?crit :
Hi list,

I'm trying to use the REX method pattern_create but I get the 
following error, I think this is a kind of "include/require" mistake.

jipe at gadabou ~ $ cd trunk/lib/
jipe at gadabou ~/trunk/lib $ cat test.rb

require "rex.rb"
print Rex::Text::pattern_create(15, Rex::Text::Numerals)

jipe at gadabou ~/trunk/lib $ ./test.rb
./rex/text.rb:759:in `converge_sets': undefined method `length' for 
57:Fixnum (NoMethodError)
        from ./rex/text.rb:755:in `converge_sets'
        from ./rex/text.rb:593:in `pattern_create'
        from ./test.rb:3
jipe at gadabou ~/trunk/lib $

Thanks for your help

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