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question - multiple IPs

From: giorgio.casali at (Giorgio Casali)
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2007 17:38:00 +0200

Thanks for the answer.

2007/6/6, bambam <bambam.quiescence at>:

imho, this is not functionality that should be part of metasploit
(being an exploit framework) but should be part of your general
scripting repertoire, see my other post for some hints (again,
assuming there's nothing wrong with using msfcli for what you're

HD and others may disagree, and it's obviously up to them as they put
in the hard work.


On 6/6/07, Giorgio Casali <giorgio.casali at> wrote:
On the other hand, is it possible testing a single IP for multiple

Thanks in advance.


2007/6/5, H D Moore <hdm at >:
Not easily. You could use the db_autopwn command, or write a custom
plugin/script, or just launch multiple copies of msfcli. Additionally,
you can run msfweb and just write a HTTP client that does two post
requests to the console page.


On Tuesday 05 June 2007 13:33, kellicot at wrote:
Is there a way to test multiple IPs for the same exploit at the same
rather than having to go one by one?

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