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msf3 on osx

From: madvillain at (madvillain)
Date: Sun, 20 May 2007 15:39:20 +1000


i seem to be having an issue using the autopwn functionality in msf3  
on osx.

a db_nmap of a single host scanning on a single port seems to work  
fine, but when I do a db_hosts or db_services, it seems to error;

msf > load db_sqlite3
[*] Successfully loaded plugin: db_sqlite3
msf > db_create metasploit
msf > db_nmap -p 445

Starting Nmap 4.20 ( ) at 2007-05-20 15:37 EST
Interesting ports on localhost (
445/tcp closed microsoft-ds

Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.153 seconds
msf > db_hosts
[-] Error while running command db_hosts: SQLite3::SQLException:  
unsupported file format: SELECT * FROM hosts

Call stack:
connection_adapters/abstract_adapter.rb:128:in `log'
connection_adapters/sqlite_adapter.rb:145:in `execute'
connection_adapters/sqlite_adapter.rb:346:in `catch_schema_changes'
connection_adapters/sqlite_adapter.rb:145:in `execute'
connection_adapters/sqlite_adapter.rb:165:in `select_all'
base.rb:427:in `find_by_sql'
base.rb:997:in `find_every'
base.rb:418:in `find'
./lib/msf/core/db_objects.rb:35:in `find'
/sw/lib/ruby/1.8/thread.rb:135:in `synchronize'
./lib/msf/core/db_objects.rb:34:in `find'
./lib/msf/core/db.rb:160:in `hosts'
./lib/msf/core/db.rb:151:in `each_host'
./lib/msf/ui/console/command_dispatcher/db.rb:45:in `cmd_db_hosts'
./lib/rex/ui/text/dispatcher_shell.rb:230:in `send'
./lib/rex/ui/text/dispatcher_shell.rb:230:in `run_command'
./lib/rex/ui/text/dispatcher_shell.rb:196:in `run_single'
./lib/rex/ui/text/dispatcher_shell.rb:191:in `each'
./lib/rex/ui/text/dispatcher_shell.rb:191:in `run_single'
./lib/rex/ui/text/shell.rb:125:in `run'
msf >

If I try and db_nmap a subnet, it gives the error straight away

any ideas?

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