Metasploit mailing list archives

where's timestomp?

From: mrkatz at (mrkatz at
Date: Tue, 01 May 2007 12:42:00 -0700

Thank you mmiller for the tip re: 'use priv'.  

Indeed, that did make the priv extension available to me. 

Now, however, when I try and use either timestomp or hashdump (any 
tool under priv), the operations time out before execution (after 
about 30 seconds).  Thus I can't yet use any command under priv.

All commands under stdapi do seem to work, but the priv ones do 
not.  How might I got about solving this problem?

Thank you,


On Tue, 01 May 2007 09:46:50 -0700 mmiller at wrote:
On Tue, May 01, 2007 at 09:36:55AM -0700, mrkatz at 
I am using MSF 3.0 (windows) from the console.  I used the 
ms04_011_lsass exploit with the meterpreter/bind_tcp payload on 
unpatched W2K virtual machine. The exploit was successful and a 
meterpreter session was started.

Now, I am trying to use timestomp, but it does not show up as an 

option and the command "timestomp" is not recognized.  What do I 

have to do to get timestomp working?

By default, the 'priv' extension is not loaded by Meterpreter.  
You need
to run 'use priv' to load it.  This will expose the timestomp 

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