Metasploit mailing list archives

Rex http protocol

From: mmiller at (mmiller at
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2007 00:51:28 -0700

On Sat, Apr 21, 2007 at 10:38:18PM -0700, daniel wrote:
First of all to all metasploit developers, GOOD JOB :)

The problem is in conn.put(req) which requires that the length of req can be accesed. I dont know if its a bug, but 
did you meant:
ret = conn.put(req_string)

After I edited this on client.rb the this change my code seems to work just fine. 

Yeah, the code was wrong.  It should have been req_string.  I committed
a fix for this to trunk.

Also I am having some trouble loading/unloading modules. Whenever I load a module, test it, then edit it
unload and load back again, the old code is loaded, and I have to restart the msfconsole back again to
load my new code, is this normal behavior ?

At present, once a plugin has been loaded, it will not be reloaded from
disk.  I committed a change to trunk that will reload the plugin file
from disk even if it's already been loaded once.  This should keep you
from having to stop/start msfconsole.

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