Metasploit mailing list archives

Fake Gina

From: egryan1 at (ryan underwood)
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2007 17:06:44 -0400

Is their an artical or something that explains this trick, cause this is the
first time I have heard of using the gina.dll file for capturing usernames
and passwords

On 3/26/07, Nicolas RUFF <nicolas.ruff at> wrote:

Just a quick comment.  IIRC, using a fake GINA will prevent fast user
switching.  If you're going for covertness, it's probably not the way to
go :)

Fast User Switching does not work when joined to a domain. This is the
most common scenario for pentesters, I think.

One possible solution to avoid a reboot would be to hook exported
function of MSGINA.DLL (or whatever GINA in place) that are called back
on cleartext password manipulation (log in, unlock workstation).

BTW, having a DLL hooking framework in Metasploit would allow other
great things (such as SSL sniffing :) Some of the Meterpreter code could
be reused maybe.

My .02,
- Nicolas RUFF

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