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Exploit::Remote::HttpClient and stages

From: nicob at (Nicob)
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2007 01:09:37 +0200

Le vendredi 09 mars 2007 ? 09:51 -0800, mmiller at a ?crit :
Let us know if you run into problems with this, since findsock
payloads have thus far not been used all that much. 

In one of my exploit, findsock payloads never work. When capturing the
trafic, I see the cmd.exe prompt which is correctly sent back over the
previously established connection and the "echo" test done by
_check_shell(), but msfcli didn't "catch" the shell :

~> msfcli exploit/windows/http/xyz RHOST= RPORT=81
PAYLOAD=windows/shell/find_tag LHOST= E
[*] Trying target XYZ ...
[*] Sending stage (478 bytes)


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